Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of pRS1, a Cryptic Plasmid fromOenococcus oeni

Abstract A new cryptic plasmid, pRS1, from an Oenococcus oeni strain isolated from Spanish wines is reported. Nucleotide sequence analysis (2523 bp) revealed the presence of three major open reading frames (ORFs) whose nucleotide sequence and encoded proteins exhibit high homology with those of pOg32, a previously described plasmid of O. oeni. Common features in other plasmids from O. oeni (i.e., pLo13 and pOg32) have been found in pRS1. They have three major ORFs in the same strand; the putative encoded proteins by two of these ORFs exhibit homology with the replication (Rep) and the recombination (Pre) proteins, respectively, of the pT181 plasmid family and related gram-positive bacteria plasmids; these plasmids contain the DNA sequences required for plasmid replication by the rolling circle mechanism and for recombination (i.e., double-strand origin, DSO; single-strand origin, SSO; recombination-specific sites, RS A and RS B ); and finally, all these plasmids have a third ORF of unknown function. These features suggest that pRS1 could constitute together with pLo13 and pOg32 a family of small cryptic plasmids of O. oeni.
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