Beneficial Effects of Conch Blowing on Respiratory System

Dear Editor,Indian tradition is sacred and every custom that is incorporated has an immense scientific value. Although our elders have not make any research study to support the views, still the traditional customs are highly valuable and effective. One such custom in Indian tradition is blowing the conch. Sound and music significantly influence the state of human mind and emotions. Listening to low volume melodious and harmonic music will aid to have a relaxed state of mind. Sound waves produced by conch shell enhance positive psychological vibrations and lead to state of improved focus and performance. It is believed that blowing of conch shell has huge beneficiary effect on health especially on heart and respiratory system. Conch is a common name that is applied to medium to large-sized shells made up of calcium and magnesium. The term applies to large snails whose shell has a high spire and a noticeable siphon canal with noticeable points at both ends.[1] In Hindu mythology, this is a sacred emblem and is still used as a trumpet. Conch shell or Shankh (in Sanskrit) is blown during auspicious beginning. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism and represents the pervasive sound in this religion. It was reported that regular blowing of the conch reduces the tongue fat, prevents multiple orofacial problems.[2] Neuroscience says that there is strong bond between sound and emotional states of human brain. Blowing conch shell and listening to its sound and conch self itself has a lot of uses. Cosmic energy of the earth gets magnified on entering the conch shell. These vibrations radiate positive vibes and eradicate negative energy from surroundings. The blowing of conch shell makes the atmosphere holy, pure, and conducive for the spiritual growth of the individual. It also augments the positive psychological vibrations such as optimism, hope, determination, and willpower. These can also be felt by people listening to it. Brain’s response to the sound of the conch shell is studied using electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings.[3] The EEG signals result from recording the electrical activity produced by firing of neurons in human brain. The moment Shankh is blown our brain is emptied of all thoughts and one enters a state of Trans where he/she is more receptive.[4] Children suffering from stammering, pulmonary disorders, and asthma, cough, liver, and spleen ailments can be cured by blowing conch shell.[3] Blowing the Shankh regularly reduces blockages in heart and improves the respiratory system.
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