[The application of micro-cultural enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of modified immunofluorescence technique for diagnostic of adenovirus infection.]

: The particular conditions of professional activities of drafty military personnel determine wide-spread of of respiratory viruses in crew of Armed Forces. The frequent mixing of military staff conditions of carrying of infection agents , including adenoviruses. It is known, that up to 60% of acute respiratory viral disease in newly formed staff have adenovirus etiology. In these cases, the most frequently are isolated serotonins 4 and 7 of adenovirus. The diagnostic possibilities of monoclonal immunologic tests of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and micro-cultural enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnostic of adenovirus infection are investigated. The analysis was applied to 40 clinical samples from patients with diagnosis of acute respiratory viral disease residing for treatment in military medical organizations during April-June 2014. The culture of cells A-549 infected with materials from patients was used for analysis. The evaluation of reproduction of adenovirus in infected culture of cells using both techniques was implemented by application of monoclonal antibodies to hexon of adenovirus on stage of detection. The availability of adenovirus was proved applying polymerase chain reaction in 20 samples; isolation of cell culture in 19 samples; indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - in 14 samples; micro-cultural enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - in 14 samples. For detection of serotypes of adenovirus isolation of DNA and sequencing of 10 of analyzed samples positive for adenovirus according results of polymerase chain reaction were implemented. The results of phylogenetic analysis on site of gene string demonstrated belonging pofadenovirus out of all samples to serotype 4 (subgroup E). The sensitivity of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and micro-cultural enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in detection of adenovirus in cell cultures infected with materials from patients, in comparison with polymerase chain reaction, made up to 85% and 87% correspondingly. The specificity of both techniques reached 100%.
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