Cinética de deshidratación de la uva (Vitis Vinifera L.)

The present work is based on the dehydration process of the grape Vitis vinifera L.), this drying process is of great importance since it allows to extend the useful life of any food, obtaining products with higher added value. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the dehydration kinetics of the grapes from the speed curve against the average humidity and the curve of total humidity against time. The moisture content in the grapes is determined by the forced hot air drying method, the limitations in the weight loss of the grapes in relation to time, the sample from time zero was weighed and every 5 minutes for 1 hour and 25 minutes, the procedure was performed at a temperature of 60 °C. When obtaining the data for each weight, for a total of 15 data, the procedures were performed to calculate the total humidity, average humidity, free humidity and the critical speed of drying. The water content in the grape had a final value of 7.02x10-5 kg of water, with a drying speed of 0.095951332 Kg / h and an average humidity of 0.0001016 KgH2O / Kg dry solid. This reflects that the weight loss of the grape is directly proportional to the time and temperature that the sample was sometimes. Keywords: dehydration, grape, time, humidity, temperature.
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