Features of clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in children of the Samara region

Relevance. The new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CоV-2 virus remains relevant all over the world and is an important medical, social and economic problem. For more than a year, the COVID-19 pandemic is preserved, the disease is characterized by high contagiousness and significant level of mortality among adult patients. According to the researchers of the whole world, children more often tolerate coronavirus infection in lungs and asymptomatic forms. However, many COVID-19 questions in children require deep analysis, in particular the polymorphism of the clinical picture of the disease. Aim. Study of the characteristics of the clinic of a new coronavirus infection in children of the Samara region according to the data of the Samara Regional Children’s Infectious Hospital. Materials and methods. 338 children were studied with a diagnosis of U07.1 (confirmed coronavirus infection) aged 2 months and up to 18 years. Results. Children are more often infected in family foci of infection (72.6%). 23.4% of patients had an adverse premorbid background and concomitant diseases. Among hospitalized children prevailed patients with a slight course of the disease (72.5%), manifested by respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms. Bilateral interstitial pneumonia is diagnosed in 93 patients (24.8% of moderate severity, 2.7% is heavy). Frequently frequent syndrome in children was excreted (12.4%). Critical flow of illness and deaths among children is not marked. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, the main syndromes of the disease characteristic of childhood are revealed. Polymorphism of the clinical picture of the new coronavirus infection in children require further study.
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