Chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen : Pathophysiologie und Therapie (CME Weiterbildung · Zertifizierte Fortbildung)

The pathogenesis and therapy of chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases are characterized by an obvious discrepancy. There is extensive agreement that the pathogenesis is substantially based on a disruption of the barrier of the intestinal mucous membrane against luminal bacteria. This has been demonstrated in recent years by evidence from various disciplines, in particular from genetics, microbiology, morphology and innate immunology. However, there is also the evidence-based therapy which, as in the past, is aimed against the effectors of the adaptive immune system. In this case the therapy with biologicals is more aggressive and takes the risk of a series of undesired side-effects. This dichotomy of pathological knowledge and therapeutic innovation is not only medically unsatisfactory but also makes it difficult to present a consistent picture of these symptoms. Despite this an attempt will be made to bridge these inconsistencies and to demonstrate possible future developments which will lead to a final causal therapy. An extended version of this article appears in our newly published book “Colitis ulcerosa und Morbus Crohn” [28].
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