Energy Efficiency Drivers in Europe: Regulations and Other Instruments Open New Horizons for Energy Management in Buildings

Curbing climate change and global warming will be one of the major challenges ofthe 21 st Century.The very survival of our society could be at stake. Greenhouse gases including CO 2 have been identified as the culprits and the vast majority of industrialised countries have agreed to cut emissions drastically over coming decades. Buildings account for nearly 40% of the energy used in most countries and are responsible for a similar level of global CO 2 emissions. Energy efficiency in buildings is therefore one of the keys to reducing greenhouse emissions. The main driving force to achieve the ambitious goals that have been set for the reduction of greenhouse gases will come from energy efficiency regulations, building codes, standards, labels, certifications, obligations and incentives, all of which have been multiplying steadily over recent decades. International institutions are rolling out energy efficiency directives and standards that set minimum requirements for buildings.They are gradually being taken into account in national regulations and building codes. Today, most energy efficiency regulations concern building design. They hardly touch on Energy Management aspects that can generate major operational gains with relatively low investments and quick payback. Beyond regulations that focus on minimum requirements,environmental performance labels use building rating criteria that can take energy efficiency much further.They offer a practical way of assigning value to energy efficiency and in this way represent powerful market drivers. Moreover, the important benefits of Energy Management can be easily integrated in the rating criteria of these far-reaching schemes. Indeed, through effective building measurement, monitoring and control systems, Energy Management is one of the keys to rapidly reducing carbon emissions and achieving climate change targets.
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