Prestack seismic data inversion for shale gas reservoir characterization in China

An integrated study of well Zhao-104 and surrounding wide-azimuth 3D seismic data volume within the shale gas reservoir in South China has been conducted with the objective of generating shale formation properties related to fracture orientation and intensity in the area and deriving such reservoir rock properties. Well data, structural seismic information and prestack inversion products were combined in an integrated interpretation. Seismic gather conditioning improved seismic data quality prior to prestack inversion by improving signal/noise ratio, removing NMO stretch and aligning reflection events. Fracture strike and P wave anisotropy were calculated using the RMO updated sector velocity fields in elliptical velocity inversion, while inversion for P and S impedance and derivative attributes produced volumes that relate to rock properties such as brittleness and rigidity that are likely to impact fracturing. The inversion for P and S impedance and derivative attributes produced volumes that relate to rock properties such as brittleness and rigidity that are likely to impact fracturing. Seismic attribute analysis of anisotropy from elliptical velocity inversion indicates that anisotropy varies horizontally and vertically, and that it is dominantly controlled by stress azimuth, which conforms to the current day stress field as independently determined from borehole break-outs.
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