Current results and methods in eradication of typhus fever on the Serbian territory excluding autonomic provinces

: Since 1969 Serbia has been conducting the programme of eradication louse-borne typhus. To this effect of Law on the eradication of communicable diseases has been passed. In addition to Republic Commission, as well as 6 regional commissions, and 18 communal commissions in whose territory the disease is being eradicated, have been formed. The operations consist of four phases: preparatory attack, consolidation and final phase. The methods and measures applied under the programme include the measures concerned with the control of vectors, i.e. lousiness, measures to detect the source of infection, respectively patients with louse-borne typhus and Brill-Zinsser disease. The control of louseiness effected through the impregnation of underwears and bed linens by means of syntheic insecticides (DDT, Maltox), as well as through health education activities, has yielded good results, so that the highest rate of lousiness: 9.08% (Sjenica, Tutin 4.37%), was reduced to less than 1% in 1972. To detect the source of infection, both active and pasiive investigation has been carried out. Active investigation included regular control of the health state through thermometry applied to registered households with lice. Passive investigation is carried out trough out -patient units and residential services which take care of all febrile patients coming from endemic areas. The results obtained from the three-year operations indicate that the percentage of dected patients with Brill-Zinsser amounts to 0--4--3.9%, as well as that it is still lagging behind with respect to the immunity acquired through previous affections in the endemic areas. The distribution of detected patients with Brill-Zinsser especially indicates that a small number of patients from endemic ares has been detected. The paper presents the criteria for the evaluation of results, making a proposal that a professional body should be formed at the federal level to coordinate the methods and programmes of operations. In addition that body's task would be to expand the operations to all endemic areas in the country.
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