O coracao adapta-se funcional e morfologicamente ao treinamento fisico. Sendo a hipertrofia ventricular esquerda uma das principais adaptacoes beneficas do Sistema Cardiovascular frente ao exercicio. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a performance fisica, as alteracoes no peso, composicao corporal e no tecido cardiaco de ratos Wistar submetidos diferentes modelos de treinamento aerobico.  Foram utilizadas 15 ratas Wistar femeas com 60, obtidas do Bioterio Central da Universidade Estadual do Ceara. Os animais foram distribuidos nos grupos: Controle Sedentario (C), Treinado Continuo (TC), Treinado Intervalado (TI). O peso corporal dos animais foi acompanhado semanalmente e a capacidade aerobia avaliada atraves de teste de esforco maximo (TEM). Os grupos TC e TI foram submetidos ao treinamento por seis semanas. O grupo TC realizou 30 minutos de exercicio continuo, ja o grupo TI 3 series de 10 minutos de exercicio com intervalos de 10 minutos entre as series. Os animais foram sacrificados 72 horas apos o ultimo TEM, o tecido muscular esqueletico e cardiaco alem da gordura corporal foram dissecados e pesados. Os dados sao expressos por media e erro padrao, considerando diferenca estatistica quando p<0,05 (ANOVA one-way). Os grupos experimentais mostraram valores de crescimento corporal, composicao corporal e massa cardiacas similares, o ganho funcional relacionado a capacidade fisica foi similar nos grupos TC e TI em relacao ao grupo C, com o grupo TI apresentando hipertrofia ventricular esquerda em relacao ao grupo TC. Dessa forma sugere-se que o treinamento de aerobio intervalado pode ser eficaz na inducao de hipertrofia cardiaca. ABSTRACT Physical performance and ventricular hypertrophy related to continuous and interval aerobic training in rats It is known that the heart of individuals presents a variety of morphological and functional changes resulting from physical training. Among these we can highlight the development of ventricular hypertrophy as a major beneficial adaptations of the cardiovascular system to the exercise. The present study aimed to evaluate the physical performance and changes in weight and body composition and cardiac tissue of rats submitted to different models of aerobic training. For the study we used 15 female Wistar rats at 60 days of age, obtained from the Central Animal Laboratory of the State University of Ceara. The animals were divided into groups: Sedentary Control (C), Continuos Training (CT), Interval Training (IT). The body weight of the animals was monitored weekly and the aerobic capacity was assessed by maximal exercise testing. CT and IT groups underwent training for six weeks. The CT group trained 30 minutes continuously and the group IT trained 30 minutes with 3 series of 10 minutes and a break of 10 minutes between series. The animals were sacrificed 72 hours after the last MET, the skeletal, cardiac muscle tissue and body fat were dissected and weighted. The data was expressed as mean and standard error considering statistical difference at p <0.05 (one-way ANOVA). The experimental groups showed similar values to growth body, body composition and cardiac mass, functional gain related to physical capacity was similar in the groups CT and IT related to C group, with the IT group showing left ventricular hypertrophy compared to the CT group. Thus, it is suggested that the aerobic training interval can be effective in induction of cardiac hypertrophy.
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