1642PDMeasuring the cancer burden in Europe: The European Cancer Information System (ECIS)

Abstract Background The European Commission has a long-term commitment to reducing cancer burden in the EU. Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures implemented is dependent on accurate and comparable data allowing derivation of cancer indicators (incidence, mortality, survival). For this purpose, the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) in close collaboration with DG SANTE is maintaining a comprehensive cancer information system for Europe. Methods Population-based cancer registries (CRs) are the information source for the computation of cancer burden indicators. In response to the call from the Council to the Commission to act further in harmonising EU cancer registration, the JRC since 2012 has taken an active role in supporting the activities and exploiting the data of the CRs affiliated to the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR). Results The JRC has developed and launched in February 2018 the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) as a web-based tool to report and disseminate cancer burden indicators. The ECIS displays historical time series and projections of cancer incidence and mortality, as well as cancer survival indicators. Statistics in the ECIS are derived from the data of about 150 CRs in 34 European countries, detailing up to 58 cancers sites. The database feeding the ECIS is dynamic and is updated as new data become available. Conclusions ECIS permits the exploration of geographical patterns and temporal trends of cancer burden indicators at national and/or regional level. It constitutes an essential tool to promote awareness on cancer burden, to assess and monitor its magnitude and follow trends and changes over time. ECIS is an important step forward in informing the citizens, assisting political decision making and supporting epidemiological research. Legal entity responsible for the study European Commission. Funding Has not received any funding. Disclosure All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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