Entrepreneurship European development strategy in the field of education

Abstract Europe must develop a new entrepreneurial culture, adjusted to society and based on knowledge, innovation and involvement of a large number of people in entrepreneurial projects. This is why we must confer a major importance to education and training: because we know that all these prepare us to realize the essential elements of a sustainable society. We already have, in this respect, a number of EU instruments developed in the last years - the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Employment, the renewed social agenda, the Stability and Growth Pact, policy competition and state aid, sustainable development strategy, the European Research Area, the Hague Program, and a recent program in Stockholm. To achieve this, we should have in mind not only the “material” factors, such as the access to venture capital and to the credits, but also “behavioural” factors like attitudes, behaviour when dealing with failure, designing and finding models. The networks which support the entrepreneurs and the other contacts can ensure the dissemination of good ideas across the EU for development of entrepreneurship. To develop the concept of entrepreneurship in the perspective of the estimated European development, we mainly used the analysis results obtained so far and the study of the European documents which provide the legal framework for development. Europe should focus on increasing the support provided to entrepreneurs, and ensure the dissemination of good ideas across the EU. This ensures increase in the percentage of population involved in entrepreneurial projects, improving and encouraging the reforms that generate growth and employment. The networks which support entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship improvement, analysis and dissemination can ensure the dissemination of good ideas across the entire EU, and can contribute to the development of a new entrepreneurial spirit in the future. As a conclusion we want to highlight one of the main priorities of European development strategy for the 2010-2020 period: the promotion and development of a new solid entrepreneurial culture
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