Synthesis and characterization of the metamagnetic 1:1 1-D phase of the decamethylferrocenium 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethanide: Fe(C/sub 5/(CH/sub 3/)/sub 5/)/sub 2//sup +/. (TCNQ)/sup -/

The characterization of the metamagnetic phase II material, (DMeFc/sup +/.)(TCNQ/sup -/.) is reported. Also showed is structural evidence for the formation of ..cap alpha.., ..cap alpha..-dicyano-p-toluoylcyanide anions, formed from the solid state reaction of (DMeFc/sup +/.)(TCNQ/sup -/.) and air. This structure of the reaction product between metamagnetic phase II (DMeFc/sup +/.)(TCNQ/sup -/) and oxygen was determined and showed that it is isomorphic with the unreacted 1:1 phase and it is comprised of isolated S = 1/2 DMeFc/sup +/. and S = 1/2 TCNQ/sup -/. ions. The oxidized TCNQ/sup -/ forms DCTC/sup -/., (..cap alpha..,..cap alpha..-dicyano-p-toluoylcyanide anion) which was confirmed spectroscopically and crystallographically. The absorption spectra with vibrational fine structure of detailed isolated TCNQ/sup -/. in the solid state is reported here for the first time. 2 figures, 1 table. (DP)
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