Curtailment of Intensity of Solar Radiation Transmission Through Glazing in Buildings at Delhi

Effect of change in tilt of glazing from vertical on transmission of direct solar radiation through windows in buildings in Delhi has been discussed. It is observed that tilting of glazing results in reduction in transmitted direct solar radiation through the glazing irrespective of the direction the glazing faces to. The reduction is maximum for glazing oriented towards E, W, SE & SW directions and is minimum for north facing glazing in northern hemisphere. An increase in tilt of glazing also enhances the reduction in direct solar transmission. Through a south facing glazing the transmission of direct solar radiation is completely curtailed as the tilt of glazing approaches to 10° with vertical, whereas an increase in tilt of north facing glazing beyond 10° produces only little additional benefit in respect of reduction in solar transmittance. It is also observed that a 12° tilt in glazing produces a reduction of 180, 350 and 520 W/m2/day in beam transmission through the glazing facing S, NE/NW and E/W/S...
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