Energy resolution and nonlinearity of NaI(Tl), CaF 2 (Eu), and plastic scintillators measured with the wide-angle Compton-coincidence technique

Compton cameras are of general interest in various fields of operation. Because of the ability to locate and identify remote sources, homeland security supports the development of such devices in a rugged and reliable form. The decisions upon appropriate materials for the scatter- and absorber plane depend on performance and economical trade-offs. In order to estimate the expected performance of the Compton camera, simulations are necessary. Certain experimentally determined parameters have to be fed into simulations, such as the energy resolution of the detector. Two materials with low effective atomic number (Z eff ), CaF 2 and plastic, promise to be good candidates for the scattering plane. Those scintillators are known for quite some time, but not very well characterized with respect of energy resolution and nonlinearity. A modified Compton coincidence technique using a high purity Germanium (HPGe) detector in coincidence with the investigated scintillator is discussed in this paper: The wide-angle Compton-coincidence (WACC) setup provides a fast and reliable means for characterization of low-Z scintillators. For quality control purposes, the actual scatter detector can be monitored in-house using the WACC technique. This work presents results of different scintillator materials and sizes for validation and exploration of this method.
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