Estrés laboral femenino y políticas de igualdad y flexibilidad en España

This article includes the legal, demographic and labour workforce in the context within a period of economic growth in Spain (2003-2007) which, however, turned out to be a missed opportunity as regards to the effective implementation of work-family and equal policies. In this period, the Spanish woman increases her rate of activity in the labour market in a greater proportion to the rest of the European labor workforce as women’s work. However Hispanic culture of long working hours and poor corporate leadership, proved to be a powerful break before two deep draft standards: the Law for reconciling work and family life (of November 5, 39/1999) and Organic Law for the effective equality of women and men (of March 22, LOIEMH, 3/2007). Several public health surveys and a study from a sample of 4,700 Spanish companies, among them are 38 companies in the media and advertising sectors, show a new aspect of the traditional gender gap between men and women: salary, promotion, representation in management positions. This article discusses the different uses of time, women’s dual role and the effects on the correlations between stress and fertility, labour market and social sustainability.
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