Оптимизация количественной обработки данных позитронной эмиссионной томографии с 18F-ФДГ у больных раком легкого

SUV и SUV/размер, оцененные с учетом размера патологического очага, существенно увеличивают возможности ПЭТ в разграничении злокачественного и неопухолевого процессов в легком...The aim of the investigation is to increase efficiency of positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-FDG in differential diagnostics of ung cancer and non-neoplastic diseases by means of quantitative processing data optimization. Materials and methods. PET findings of 347 patients with focal or infiltrative changes in the lungs were studied. Quantitative processing of the findings included the measurement of scintigraphic size of the focus, SUV index calculations and SUV/size. Diagnostic value of the indicated criteria was assesses with and without regard to the size of the revealed foci.. Results. PET examination revealed the foci of abnormal accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals in 273 of 347 patients with various bronchopulmonary diseases. Quantitative criteria (SUV and SUV/size) characterizing the metabolic activity rate were determined in all patients with focal glucose hypermetabolism. The comparative analysis of PET sensitivity and specificity in differential diagnostics of lung cancer and nonneoplastic conditions with or without regard to the size of the revealed foci was carried out. Conclusion. Threshold points of SUV and SUV/size assessed with regard to pathologic focus size significantly increase PET possibilities in differentiating malignant and nonneoplastic process in the lung
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