The Effects of Electronic Data Collection on the Percentage of Current Clinician Graphs and Organizational Return on Investment

ABSTRACTBehavior analysts rely on frequent access to graphed data to facilitate clinical decision making and enhance their programming. Several new electronic data collection (EDC) products have recently been developed and marketed to behavior analysts. We evaluated the effects of an EDC software system on the percentage of current graphs. We also evaluated the potential return on investment (ROI) of the tool for a large human services agency. During baseline, graphs were seldom updated at the designated time the supervisor examined the file. When the EDC software was implemented, 100% of graphs were updated at all checks for all consumers with minimal or no corresponding increase in clinician hours. A comprehensive index of ROI was calculated using various costs of implementation and observed and estimated savings. Implementing the EDC software across the human services agency resulted in a projected cumulative positive average ROI of 59% over five years. These results are discussed in terms of strategie...
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