Biofeedback conditioning for fecal incontinence.

: Twenty-one subjects suffering daily from fecal incontinence were treated with biofeedback training as a rehabilitative trial. Fifteen of these patients had incontinence following surgical interventions; the other six had senile incontinence. A device was employed to record the pressure existing at the level of the anal canal and to stimulate the rectal ampulla to control the performance of the external anal sphincter and the sensibility of the rectum. Of the 31 treated patients, eighteen (86%) presented good results with satisfactory recovery of anal incontinence, and three subjects (14%) showed unsatisfactory results (more than one episode of incontinence monthly). Although both groups of patients showed improvement in external anal sphincter contraction, the sensibility of the rectum to endoluminal distention improved more in good responders. The employment of biofeedback training to obtain improvement of the threshold of rectal sensibility (minimal volume of endoluminal distention to produce the sensation of imminent defecation and external anal sphincter contraction) has proved useful in the rehabilitation of incontinent patients.
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