Perbedaan Pendapatan Usahatani Tumpangsari Kentang dan Cabe Keriting dengan Kentang dan Tomat Di Kabupaten Garut

This study aims to determine the description of farming, the amount of farm income, and the differences in income from intercropping between potatoes and curly chilies with potatoes and tomatoes. The number of respondent farmers is 25 people for each intercropping farming. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with respondents, and secondary data was collected through literature studies to various agencies. The method used in this study is the census method, in which all the population in the field is used as respondents and selected intentionally. The analysis used to determine the differences in the income of this intercropping farming using statistical testing (SPSS version 21 application) with a paired difference test (Paired Sample t-Test). The results showed that (1) Overview of potato and curly chili intercropping with potatoes and tomatoes consisted of seed preparation, tillage, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and post-harvest to marketing (2) The average income of potato and curly chili intercropping was Rp. . 261,447,519,- per hectare per growing season, while the average 16 | O r c h i d A g r i : V o l 1 , N o 2 , B u l a n A g u s t u s T a h u n 2 0 2 1 income of potato and tomato intercropping is Rp. 256,949,751,- per hectare per growing season (3) Based on statistical tests, it was found that there was no significant difference between potato and curly chili intercropping farming income with potatoes and tomatoes.
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