Filosofiese besinning oor geweld: uitdagings aan informatiseringstrategieë Philosophical reflection on violence: challenges to informatisation strategies

Philosophical reflection on violence: challenges to informatisation strategies In this article the focus is on violence, especially murderous violence, its impact, its origins, factors that facilitate and promote it and possible solutions. Due to its intensity the impact on society and individuals are intense, to such an extent that it creates crises in more than one respect. It creates a crisis of being, of meaning, of language, of us, and of life. Explanatory views on the origins of human violent behaviour are many. They mainly rotate around two specific emphases: On the one hand, violence must be seen as caused by external factors, like poverty, unemployment, cultural disintegration, political misbehaviour and many others, and will be reduced when these factors are eliminated. On the other hand, violence can be understood as caused by a natural inclination, as part of the human make-up, an PROF C S DE BEER is Emeritus Professor van die Departement Inligtingkunde, Universiteit van Suid- Afrika en is tans Buitengewone Professor in Inligtingkunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy het gegradueer in Landbou en Wysbegeerte aan die Universiteite van Pretoria en Parys X. Nanterre, Frankryk. Hy het Inligtingkunde, Kommuni- kasiekunde en Wysbegeerte doseer, navorsing op al hierdie gebiede en verwante subgebiede onderneem, konsultasiewerk gedoen oor kennisbenutting en inligtingverpreiding. Onder sy publikasies tot op datum tel 6 boeke (as outeur), 5 boeke (as redakteur), 75 wetenskaplike artikels en verskeie navorsingsverslae. Hy doen tans ekstensief navorsing oor die Filosofie van Inligting in die wydste moontlike sin van die woord, met besondere klem op die individuele en sosiale implikasies daarvan en het 'n beperkte doseeropdrag in Inligtingkunde.
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