CORDIC Framework for Quaternion-based Joint Angle Computation to Classify Arm Movements

We present a novel architecture for arm movement classification based on kinematic properties (joint angle and position), computed from MARG sensors, using a quaternion-based gradient-descent method and a 2-link model of the upper limb. The design based on Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer framework was validated on stroke survivors and healthy subjects performing three elementary arm movements (reach and retrieve, lift arm, rotate arm), involved in ‘making-a-cup-of-tea’ an archetypal daily activity, achieved an overall accuracy of 78% and 85% respectively. The design coded in System Verilog, was synthesized using STMicroelectronics 130 nm technology, occupies 340K NAND2 equivalent area and consumes 292 nW @ 150 Hz, besides being functionally verified up to 25 MHz making it suitable for real-time high speed operations. The orientation, arm position and the joint angle, are computed on-the-fly, with the classification performed at the end of movement duration.
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