Virtual Experiments for Welded Structural Steel Connections

Imagine how much time and expense could be saved if virtual experiments were done prior to actual testing in order to have some confidence in the chosen parameters. Structural tension connection strength is often expressed as efficiency, the test failure load divided by the failure load for the gross area of the connected member. Experimentally this is done by testing a connection to failure and also testing a tension coupon to find ultimate strength. Finite element studies are often used to predict relative structural failure loads, but actual failure load depends upon the failure criterion. This paper presents an analytic procedure that may aid in the development and interpretation of full-scale tests. This is especially important in an experimental program for steel connections due to the cost involved in the testing of a single connection and the need to find results for varying geometries. Finite-element results are compared to experimentally found efficiencies of some welded steel connections for pl...
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