Adjustable Tank Cover for Postura MotergoTM utilizing Rib and Spine Chassis (RISCTM)

Abstract Globally, researchers has developed motorcycle simulators/test rigs to assist in motorcycle road accident prevention investigations. The Postura Motergo TM which was developed by the Motorcycle Engineering Technology Lab (METAL) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is an example of such motorcycle test rigs/simulators. However, the Postura Motergo TM could only replicate one type of motorcycle cockpit design (where the human operator is seated to operate the motorcycle), whereas, from the field survey, it was found that motorcycles come with variable cockpit designs. Hence, the Postura Motergo TM was in need for a design enhancement in order to accurately replicate the variable motorcycles’ cockpit designs. The aim of this study was to establish a novel adjustable motorcycle tank cover for the Postura Motergo TM . Literature assessment, field survey, computer aided design (CAD) and design fabrication were the research methods. Upon the fabrication of the new motorcycle tank cover (as proof-of-concept), a patent specification document was proposed. As of April 2015, the new tank design is being filed for an intellectual property (IP) protection. Conclusively, the integration of this new motorcycle tank cover on the Postura Motergo TM further enhances the capability of the motorcycle test rig to better replicate various motorcycles cockpit designs. This ensures the test rig's validity, fidelity, while simultaneously elevating users’ experience for further future research in motorcycle niche area.
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