The UBV Color Evolution of Classical Novae. III. Time-stretched Color–Magnitude Diagram of Novae in Outburst

We propose a modified color-magnitude diagram for novae in outburst, i.e., $(B-V)_0$ versus $(M_V-2.5 \log f_{\rm s})$, where $f_{\rm s}$ is the timescaling factor of a (target) nova against a comparison (template) nova, $(B-V)_0$ is the intrinsic $B-V$ color, and $M_V$ is the absolute $V$ magnitude. We dub it the time-stretched color-magnitude diagram. We carefully reanalyzed 20 novae based on the time-stretching method and revised their extinctions $E(B-V)$, distance moduli in the $V$ band $(m-M)_V$, distances $d$, and timescaling factors $f_{\rm s}$ against the template nova LV Vul. We have found that these 20 nova outburst tracks broadly follow one of the two template tracks, LV Vul/V1668 Cyg or V1500 Cyg/V1974 Cyg group, in the time-stretched color-magnitude diagram. In addition, we estimate the white dwarf masses and $(m-M)_V$ of the novae by directly fitting the absolute $V$ model light curves ($M_V$) with observational apparent $V$ magnitudes ($m_V$). A good agreement in the two estimates of $(m-M)_V$ confirms the consistency of the time-stretched color-magnitude diagram. Our distance estimates are in good agreement with the results of Gaia Data Release 2.
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