Применение синхронного термического анализа для оценки стабильности захороненных на полигонах твердых коммунальных отходов

There were presented results of study assessing the stability of the waste placed in the landfill-sites of municipal solid waste of the Perm Kray using thermal methods of analysis in air and argon. It was established that use of simultaneous thermal analysis method for samples of solid municipal waste, taken from landfills and dumps of solid municipal waste that are at different stages of the life cycle, allowing comprehensive determine the stability of place of landfilling. It was conducted testing methodology for assessing the degree of waste stability, based on the determination of the ratio of the specific enthalpy of dry matter waste (DM) and organic dry substance (ODS). It was justified by the possibility of using techniques to determine the degree of biochemical stability of waste at different stages of the landfill’s life cycle. It was established that at operated landfill-sites and dumps of solid waste DM and ODS were 0.45 or more, at reclaimed landfill-sites – 0.1 – 0.25, and at closed landfill-sites – less than 0.1. Developed a way to assess the stability of MSW samples allows to predict the potential emission of landfilled waste, which in turn can serve as a basis for the development of measures to reduce the negative impact of landfills on the environment, Technical and technological solutions for the remediation and safe decommissioning of solid waste dumping sites.
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