Design and Implementation of Aid System for Physically Impaired People.

Touch sense based aid system for physical impaired people is targeted at people who are restricted to move from congested place and people who are dumb. Here the system is built which will enable to control the lighting or other electrical devices in the room and to monitor the pulse rate of a patient. The projected aid system is touch sense technology used as an aid for bodily impaired people. When a finger is tapped on a surface the motion of a finger is detected and same is used as a trigger signal to turn an electrical device switch ON or switch OFF. The need for touch sense is that it requires only slight touch to activate and no pressure is required. In this system IR sensor is used for measuring the heartbeat of a patient. Heart beat level will be changed automatically announced low heart beat or abnormal heart beat. The advantage of using IR sensor is that low cost circuitry, low power requirements and high immunity. The entire transmission and reception process is done in a 2.45GHZ Zigbee protocol.
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