Una incursión al Modelo Triple Hélice, visto desde la Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

Se realizo un analisis teorico acerca de lo que algunos teoricos llaman el Modelo de la Triple Helice, considerando que la innovacion surge de forma progresiva y acumulativa, guiada de un enfoque sistemico que persigue la mas noble causa de mejorar la sociedad, agregando desarrollo sostenible y crecimiento. Dicho modelo conecta el emprendimiento al desarrollo regional, utilizando como plataforma a la educacion universitaria, para el fomento del mismo de la mano de la sociedad, produciendose asi un modelo sostenible de desarrollo a partir de la sinergia entre: Empresa, Universidad y Sociedad, o como otros autores, agregan: Universidad, Industria/empresa y Gobierno, con el fin principal de contrarrestar el problema del desempleo juvenil y universitario, mientras se mejora la formacion de los universitarios a la vez que se contribuye al desarrollo local mediante introduccion de innovaciones. Se emplearon metodos teoricos de analisis y sintesis, asi como comparativos para resaltar el quehacer de la Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador en este sentido, a traves de proyectos de vinculacion con la sociedad, contratos empresariales, divulgacion de investigaciones e innovaciones a traves de eventos cientificos y otros, en pos del desarrollo sostenible y la aspiracion de crear parques cientificos vinculados a empresas de la region, entre otras actividades que reflejan esta interrelacion que fluye de manera integrada y comprometida. Palabras clave: Modelo triple helice, universidad, empresa, gobierno, innovacion para el desarrollo. ABSTRACT A theoretical analysis has been made about what some theorists call the Triple Helix Model, considering that innovation arises in a progressive and cumulative way, guided by a systemic approach that pursues, the noblest of causes, of improving society, adding sustainable development and growth. This model connects entrepreneurship to regional development, using higher education as a vehicle for its promotion alongside with society, thus producing a sustainable model of development arising from the synergy between: Company, University and Society, or as other authors call them: University, Industry/Businesses and Government, with the main purpose of counteracting the problem of unemployment for youth and higher education graduates, while at the same time improving university training for them and contributing to local development, through the introduction of innovations. Theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis were implemented, as well as comparative methods to highlight the work of Metropolitan University of Ecuador in this regard, through projects related to society, business contracts, dissemination of research and innovations through scientific events and others, in pursuit of sustainable development and the aspiration to create science parks linked to companies in the region, among other activities that reflect this interrelationship that flows in an integrated and committed way. Keywords: Triple Helix Model, university, company, government, innovation for development.
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