Связь вязкости крови и ремоделирования сердечно-сосудистой системы при артериальной гипотензии у молодых женщин
Aim: to study the role of blood viscosity in remodeling of cardiovascular system in idiopathic arterial hypotension (IAH) in young women (age 18–24 years).
Materials and methods. We examined 29 women with IAH (systolic blood pressure — 90–98 mm Hg) and 24 women with normal arterial pressure (systolic blood pressure — 120–129 mm Hg). Comparative analysis of correlations between blood viscosity and parameters of heart and peripheral blood vessels was performed. For determination of blood viscosity in vari- ous parts of cardiovascular system we used our own formula (relationship of blood viscosity from linear flow blood velocity).
Results. At hypotension we revealed numerous negative correlations of blood viscosity in peripheral vessels and heart valves with their structural and functional parameters.
Conclusion. Obtained results prove the influence of blood viscosity on remodeling of heart and vessels through the mecha- nism of hyperoxidazotemia and poikilocytosis of erythrocytes.
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