Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO_{3} -type Bi_{3}Mn_{1.9}Te_{1.1}O_{11}

Single crystals of Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} were prepared from NaCl+KCl flux. This compound adopts KSbO{sub 3}-type crystal structure as evidenced by electron and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The three-dimensional channel structure is formed by corner-sharing octahedral (Mn{sub 0.63}Te{sub 0.37}){sub 2}O{sub 10} dimers and two identical (Bi1){sub 4}(Bi2){sub 2} interpenetrating lattices. The intra-dimer Mn/Te-Mn/Te distances in Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} are short and are consistent with weak metal-metal interactions. The mixed oxidation state of manganese and the edge-sharing octahedral features are confirmed by X-ray near edge absorption spectroscopy measurements, which indicate Bi{sub 3}(Mn{sup III}{sub 1.1}Mn{sup IV}{sub 0.8})Te{sup VI}{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} with 57.7% Mn{sup 3+} and 42.3% Mn{sup 4+}. The partial substitution of Te for Mn perturbs long-range magnetic interactions, thereby destroying the ferromagnetic ordering found in Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 3}O{sub 11} (T{sub C}=150 K). - Graphical abstract: Single crystal of Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} was grown from NaCl+KCl binary flux, suggesting that the high pressure Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 3}O{sub 11} phase can be stabilized by partial substitution of Mn by Te at ambient pressure. Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} adopts a typical three dimensional KSbO{sub 3}-type crystal structure with three interpenetrating lattices and weak intra-dimmer metal-metal interaction causedmore » by the d electrons of Mn. The edge-shared (Mn{sub 0.63}Te{sub 0.37}){sub 2}O{sub 10} octahedral dimer and mixed oxidation state of manganese (Bi{sub 3}(Mn{sup III}{sub 1.1}Mn{sup IV}{sub 0.8})Te{sup VI}{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} with 57.7% Mn{sup 3+} and 42.3% Mn{sup 4+}) features were evidenced by X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. Compared with Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 3}O{sub 11}, the Te substituted Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} relaxes the crystal structure, but destroys the long-range magnetic ordering and gives short-range magnetic ordering below 5 K. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High pressure Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 3}O{sub 11} is stabilized by partial Te substitution at ambient pressure. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer New KSbO{sub 3}-type Bi{sub 3}Mn{sub 1.9}Te{sub 1.1}O{sub 11} single crystal was grown from binary flux. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The presence of mixed oxidation state of manganese is evidenced by XANES study. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Te-substitution destroys the long-range magnetic ordering and relaxes the structure.« less
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