AiStudy on the Behavior of an Underwater Explosion Bubble near a Rigid Wall

The idynamic iapproach ito ian iunderwater iexplosion i(UNDEX) iis ia icomplex iepisode ithat iinvolves ishockwave ipropagation, ibubble ipulse iwith ihigh ipressure, iand iwater ijet iimpact. iThis ipaper iproposes ilinkage iof iFinite iElement iAvenue i(FEM) iand iCompanion iof iEulerian-Lagrangian i(CEL) ito isupply ipromised idata iof ilarge ideformations iand iflow isimulation iof ifluid iand igas iwhere ithe ibubble iinteraction iis inear ia istiff iwall. iTo iconduct ithe iprocess, ia i7.5 im ix i9.0 im iEulerian idomain iand iexplosive icharges iof i10 ig, i35 ig, iand i55 ig iTNT iare ibuilt iin ia ifree ifield, irespectively. iNumerical ianalysis, ias ifar ias ia icomparison iwith iresearch ifrom iE. iKlaseboer, ihas ibeen igiven iin ithis istudy. iThe iimportant iresults iobtained ifrom ithe iCEL iapproach iimply ihigh iexpectations. iIn ispite iof ithe ifact ithat ithis iapproach iis inot iadequately iconsistent ito itotally isupplant ia ilive itest, iit ican ibe iutilized ias ian ioutline idatabase ito ianticipate ioutcomes iof imanaging ian iUNDEX iwith ia ihigh ipressure ibubble. iThe ibehavioral iexplosion ifrom ian iUNDEX ibubble inear ia irigid iwall iis ia iprospective icontribution iin ithis iresearch. iWith ithese iresults, ithis itechnique ican ibe iused iin ifurther istudies ito iexamine iUNDEX ibubbles iin ithe ivicinity iof ideformable iand icomplex istructures.
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