The association of gender inequality with healthy life expectancy indicator among iranian women compared with that of other countries

Gender inequality is a preventable inequality which exists between two genders in economic, social, political and cultural areas. In the meantime, healthy life expectancy is the most beneficial index that presents the average level of population health. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the indexes of gender inequality and healthy life expectancy to compare these indicators with global data. In this ecological study, the index of healthy life expectancy was applied based on the World Health Organization report in 2008 as a criterion. Then the gender inequality indexes of Iranian women, as the research population, were determined. Next, it descriptively was compared with some countries across the world to assess its relationship with gender inequality indexes of women using correlation analysis. The results showed that Iranian women do not have the opportunity to participate in economic, social and political areas widely compared to women in other countries under study. In this regard, the worst situation belongs to political participation of women. Also a significant correlation was observed between the index of healthy life expectancy and female literacy rate, as well as the combined enrollment ratio of women in all three levels of education (grades), and the income earned by women. According to the observed gender inequality of the women in this study, the opportunity for further and more tangible contributions for women in economic, social and especially political affairs must be provided via developmental programs. Besides, the causes and factors affecting this participation should periodically be investigated.
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