Supply Chain Collaborative (SCC) Measures Cases of Food Manufacturing Firms in Thailand

Many academics and practitioners have attempted to investigate supply chain performance, which mainly revolve around financial and non-financial (delivery, flexibility, and quality) performance measures along the chain. Some studies have extended the research scope to explore how supply chain collaboration impacts a supply chain’s or a firm’s performance (Ataseven & Nair, 2017; Flynn et al., 2010). However, the inter-firm collaborative measures within supply chains, which can result in a poor supply chain, have received very little attention (Fawcett et al., 2015; Soosay & Hyland, 2015), despite the fact that supply chain collaboration (SCC) has been widely accepted and researched as a key to improve a firm’s and supply chain performance as a whole. Performance measures of SCC is still a challenging task because the objective of each player in the chain can be different and misaligned (Gopal & Thakka, 2012; Fawcett et al. , 2015). Therefore, this paper seeks to preliminarily explore the collaborative performance measures of a firm in both upstream and downstream supply chains through a case studies investigation. Six leading food manufacturing firms along with their key suppliers and key customers in Thailand were interviewed to explore their inter-firm collaborative measures that help improving supply chain performance as a whole. Case studies were conducted in the food manufacturing industry. This industry has several unique characteristics such as product perishability, temperaturecontrol and safety requirements in the chain. The findings offer new insights to supply chain collaborative measures. Both upstream and downstream collaborative measures should be different and customized instead of using a general set of inter-firm collaborative measures, particularly in the food industry where supplies can be varied.
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