Audiovisual Quality of Live Music Streaming over Mobile Networks using MPEG-DASH

The MPEG-DASH protocol has been rapidly adopted by most major network content providers and enables clients to make informed decisions in the context of HTTP streaming, based on network and device conditions using the available media representations. A review of the literature on adaptive streaming over mobile shows that most emphasis has been on adapting the video quality whereas this work examines the trade-off between video and audio quality. In particular, subjective tests were undertaken for live music streaming over emulated mobile networks with MPEG-DASH. A group of audio/video sequences was designed to emulate varying bandwidth arising from network congestion, with varying trade-off between audio and video bit rates. Absolute Category Rating was used to evaluate the relative impact of both audio and video quality in the overall Quality of Experience (QoE). One key finding from the statistical analysis of Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) results using Analysis of Variance indicates that providing reduced audio quality has a much lower impact on QoE than reducing video quality at similar total bandwidth situations. This paper also describes an objective model for audiovisual quality estimation that combines the outcomes from audio and video metrics into a joint parametric model. The correlation between predicted and subjective MOS was computed using several outcomes (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and epsilon-insensitive RMSE). The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach is a viable solution for objective audiovisual quality assessment in the context of live music streaming over mobile network.
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