Inovação da formação docente: dilemas e tendências

In this article, we discuss the challenges and demands of teacher education in contemporary society, in the context in which knowledge is a focus of great attention because of its importance for economic and social development. The issue is especially important for those universities that are located in the state of Sao Paulo, which attends, in high school, 80% of its youth. The axis of analysis concerns the relationship between initial vocational training and the need for innovation of established curricula and practices. The study was based on the analysis of statistics constructed from data from the 2017 Basic Education School Census and the 2017 Higher Education Census for the Mesorregiao do Vale do Paraiba Paulista, which comprises 39 cities. We sought theoretical support in the literature review on the history of teacher education and pedagogical renewal strategies in Tardif, Novoa, Gatti, Aguerrondo, among others. The results showed that, despite the decline in enrollment of students in undergraduate courses, there is a demand for teacher training. The need for innovation in teacher education curricula is urgent and has already materialized for the state of Sao Paulo within legal frameworks, but it is still far from achieving its objectives. Likewise, teaching practices, which can adopt innovative solutions inspired by the techniques of active methodologies.
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