Radon concentrations in groundwaters of the Polish part of the Sudety Mountains (SW Poland).

Abstract In the course of researches into radon occurrence in the groundwaters of the Polish part of the Sudety Mountains, conducted in various research centres in Poland, almost 1000 radon concentration determinations have been collected. These results have given the basis for an attempt to characterise the groundwaters of this region with respect to radon content. Radon concentrations oscillated within the range of 0.2–1645 Bq/dm 3 , with the arithmetic mean at 240.0 Bq/dm 3 and the geometric mean at 106.7 Bq/dm 3 . The largest number of radon concentrations found in the Sudetic groundwaters ranged between ca. 3–6 and 1000 Bq/dm 3 . The values over 1000 Bq/dm 3 can be considered anomalously high. They constitute 3.9% of all the results and occur around six localities within different geological units of the Sudety Mountains. These are shallow circulation, low mineralised groundwaters, which outflow from gneisses and granites. In the face of the fact that from 12.8% to 72.7% (depending on the adopted norm of maximum radon concentration for drinking waters) of the examined waters cannot be drunk directly without removing at least part of the radon, and in the face of the possibility of recognizing as many as 63.5% of the waters as potentially medicinal, extensive research of radon geochemistry in the Sudety Mountains area should be urgently undertaken.
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