Tomrukların kamyona yüklenmesi çalışmalarında taşınabilir el vinci ve polietilen oluk kombinasyonu sistemi

Tomruklarin kamyona yuklenmesi calismalarinda  tasinabilir el vinci ve polietilen oluk kombinasyonu sistemi Ozet:  Ormancilikta odun uretim calismalarinda kamyona yukleme calismalari onemli bir yer tutmaktadir. Ulkemizde yilda en az 50 milyon adet tomruk uretilmekte olup, bu tomruklar orman icerisinden orman yolu kenarina getirildikten sonra kamyonlara yuklenmektedir. Bu tomruklarin orman yollarinda ortalama 1 milyon sefer ile depolara tasinmaktadir. Ulkemizde cogunlukla insan gucune dayali geleneksel yukleme yontemi kullanilmaktayken, sadece bir kisim yukleme makinalarla gerceklestirilmekte olup, bu yontem de pahali ve riskli olabilmektedir. Bu calisma ile orman yollari kenarina surutulerek getirilmis agir tomruklarin tasinabilir el vinci ile oluk icerisinde kamyon kasasina kolaylikla cekilerek yuklenmesi amaciyla kombine bir yukleme sistemi gelistirilmistir. Ladin tomruklarinin yerden kamyonlara el vinci ve oluk kombinasyonu ile yuklenmesi denemelerinde, oluk guzergahi ortalama egimi % 1-25 arasinda olculmustur. Yukleme sirasindaki her cevrimde birer adet tomruk cekilerek kamyonlara yuklenmistir. Ortalama yukleme suresi 161,8 saniye olup, bunun % 67’si yukun kamyona cekilme suresi olarak olculmustur. Bu calismada elde edilen ortalama hiz ve verim degerleri sirasiyla 840,4 m/saat ve 4,94 m3/saat olarak bulunmustur. Bu sonuclarin literaturdeki oluk icerisinde el vinci ile kontrollu kablo cekim denemelerinde elde edilen hiz ve verim sonuclarina yakin oldugu bulunmustur. Yukleme calismalarinda hidrolik yukleyiciler ve kreynler en yaygin makineler olmakla birlikte, bu makineler uretim miktarinin dusuk oldugu sahalarda ve ekonomik degeri dusuk urunlerin uretildigi calismalarda verimli olmamaktadirlar. Bu gibi durumlarda maliyeti dusuk ve yuksek uretim miktari gerektirmeyen yukle yontemleri kullanilmalidir. Sonuc olarak, bu calisma kapsaminda gelistirilen kombine yukleme sistemi bu gibi durumlara yukleme calismalarinda kullanilabilecek en uygun yontemdir. Ayrica, tasinabilir el vinci ile entegre edilen bu yukleme sistemi, dusuk maliyetli olmasi ve zaman tasarrufu saglamasinin yaninda arazi kosullarinda ergonomik ve is guvenligi saglamaktadir. Anahtar kelimeler:  Tomruk uretimi, yukleme, el vinci, oluk sistemi A combined loading system integrated with portable winch and polyethylene chutes for loading of timber products Abstract:  Truck loading operation is an important task during timber production operations in forestry. In Turkey, approximately 50 million timbers/logs are being produced per year, and then they are loaded into the logging trucks. The timber/logs are transported over the forest roads with an average of one million roundtrips. However, the traditional loading methods using manpower are mostly performed while some part is done by using loading machines which can be very costly and risky. This study aims developing a combined loading system in which heavy logs are loaded into logging trucks by pulling them by a log-line powered by a portable crane within the chute system. The slope of the log-line from ground to logging truck varied between 1% and 25%. Within the each work cycle of loading operation, only one log was loaded by pulling with portable crane. The average loading time was found as 161.8 seconds per cycle, in which 67% of the time was spent on pulling the log into the logging truck. The results indicated that the average pulling speed with crane power was 840.4 m/hr and productivity was calculated as 4.94 m3/hr. The result on system speed and productivity indicated close relations with results from previous studies. The hydraulic grapple loader or cranes are widely used and common loading machines, but they cannot be efficiently used in forestry operations, especially ones having a low timber productivity rate or having low economic value timber. In these conditions, loading methods that are cost efficient and do not require higher production rate should be employed. Therefore, a combined loading system introduced in this study can be a feasible solution for loading operations in those cases. Furthermore, it is believed that this loading system integrated with a portable crane can be cost efficient and time saving solution, as well as ergonomic and safe method in the field. Keywords:  Logging, loading, portable winch, chute system Received (Gelis tarihi):  14.07.2015 -  Revised (Duzeltme tarihi):  08.08.2015 - Accepted (Kabul tarihi):  08.08.2015 To cite this article:  Acar, H.H., 2016. Tomruklarin kamyona yuklenmesi calismalarinda  tasinabilir el vinci ve polietilen oluk kombinasyonu sistemi.  Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University  66(1): 329-339. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.60015
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