Lesson Study: Contribuições para Formação de Professores que Ensinam Matemática

The purpose of this article is to present contributions to the training of teachers who teach Mathematics using the Lesson Study methodology. It is based on continuing education actions for teachers who work at the Municipal Secretariat Educacion of Sao Paulo, in the context of a research project with UNESCO support. Among the results, it is highlighted that the referred methodology enhances and is enhanced by essential elements in the formation of teachers such as the constitution of collaborative groups, the investigation of their own practice, the individual and collective reflection “on and about” educational actions, the use curriculum materials. The results also show that the inclusion of the stage of training of trainers allows the use of the Lesson Study to be extended to groups of schools within the same education network, which makes this methodology go beyond its use in research and can be used as public policies for teacher training.
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