Основные тенденции динамики доходов семей в период экономического кризиса

A research objective which result was this article is the analysis of dynamics of the income of families during the last economic crisis in Russia and influence of change of the standard of living on performance by a family of the main functions, first of all reproductive, zhizneokhranitelny and educational. Now quite steady growth of birth rate, improvement of the indicators characterizing family trouble (refusals of the born children, deprivation of the parental rights, deviant behavior of children and teenagers) and health of children and teenagers is observed, however, as a result of decrease in the standard of living, increase in employment of parents, violation of this favorable tendency is possible. The research is based on the analysis of statistical and sociological information, including results of polls of the population, in him the research of ranks of dynamics, graphic and tabular methods is applied. In article sources of the income of the population, first of all – the salary and social payments exerting the greatest impact on the level of the income in general are considered. On the basis of the carried-out analysis the main tendencies characterizing extent of fall of the income of families with children proceeding from this research are formulated, it is possible to speak about increase of needs of families in measures of economic support. However, at the same time becomes the negative moment on the one hand, extremely low knowledge of families of already available measures of such help, and with another – their low assessment and unwillingness to participate in these or those programs offered by the state. In turn it is the factor worsening financial position of families too. High prosperity, material security still (as well as the 90th years, as well as at the beginning of this century) are on an equal basis with a family and children the leading value of Russians. It is connected, first of all, with the low standard of living when the impossibility to satisfy elementary material requirements, leads to strengthening of their role in consciousness of the person. In article it is shown that at the beginning of the economic crisis (in 2014–2015) more than a half of the interviewed Russians having children indicated material problems as the main in the life, besides, Russians are disturbed by unemployment or fears to lose work that indirectly also testifies to fear of deterioration in financial position. In addition, the fear of an economic crisis grows. The majority of families in Russia, according to sociological researches, don’t hope for bystry improvement of an economic situation (both own, and the countries in general), are afraid of further deterioration in a situation that, in turn, breaks psychological climate in a family, affecting performance of the functions by her. It has to cause concern of society, state as when to the forefront there are material values, people are inclined to postpone creation of families and the birth of children. In article it is summarized that as a result of falling of the standard of living of a family begin to reduce consumption of paid services of education, health care that can lead to deterioration in performance of educational function and health protection of a family.
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