Homoeopathic Management of Acute Diarrhoea in Children

Acute diarrhea is very common complaint in childhood and every child are suffered by that complaints, there are several causes behind the suffering of acute darrhoea in children, there are several type of infection cause by several microorganisms which are responsible for causing acute diarrhea in children. And it is very essential to everyone to protect our child.  By educating the child well hygienic life style to avoid infection due to microorganism for prevention of diarrhoea. It is very essential to parents to maintain diet habits to our child, because children are easily attracted to outside food which is responsible for infection. Teach your child to avoid that kind of food for the prevention of diarrhoea. Because prevention is always better than cure. In baby child complaints of teething diarrhoea is very common. Seen in clinical practice parents are very much worried for that suffering of our child, because child are very much irritable on that period, and cries continuously, most restless, with altered digestion. And parents give our child to best of treatment. But irritability continues, my article is for those parents, because Homoeopathy offers a cost effective treatment for acute diarrhoea in children, without any side effect. There are several remedies in Homoeopathy for treating acute diarrhoea. And are selected by proper case taking for Individuals. In that article trying to introduce most promising and most efficient remedies for Acute diarrhoea. Like Chamomilla is one of the first choice when it matches for teething children.  Ipecacuanha, Iris versicolor, Rheum palmatum, Mercurius , Veratrum album, Arsenicum album, Podophylum is very promising and effective remedies for diarrhoea in children.
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