Engineering statistical transmutation of identical quantum particles

A fundamental pillar of quantum mechanics concerns indistinguishable quantum particles. In three dimensions they may be classified into fermions or bosons, having, respectively, antisymmetric or symmetric wave functions under particle exchange. One of numerous manifestations of this quantum statistics is the tendency of fermions (bosons) to anti-bunch (bunch). In a two-particle scattering experiment with two possible outgoing channels, the probability of the two particles to arrive each at a different terminal is enhanced (with respect to classical particles) for fermions, and reduced for bosons. Here we show that by entangling the particles with an external degree of freedom, we can engineer quantum statistical transmutation, e.g. causing fermions to bunch. Our analysis may have consequences on the observed fractional statistics of anyons, including non-Abelian statistics, with serious implications on quantum computing operations in the presence of external degrees of freedom.
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