RESUMEN La diversidad de contextos laborales en los que se insertan los profesionales de la carrera de Secretariado Ejecutivo, permite connotar la contradiccion existente entre la formacion general que reciben durante sus estudios universitarios, cuyo enfoque ha sido la ejecutividad de tareas genericas propias de la gestion administrativa empresarial; y la diversificacion contextual de su desempeno en una amplia gama de campos y areas que demandan una formacion especializada para cumplir a cabalidad la mision social de estos contextos. Esta dinamica ha redireccionado en cierta medida su perfil de egreso. El objetivo es presentar un estudio que identifica la variedad de organizaciones publicas y privadas donde se insertan y desarrollan estos profesionales y con ello evidenciar la necesidad de formacion que demandan desde sus contextos laborales, en un proceso de especializacion permanente. Se utilizo los metodos teoricos, empiricos y el estadistico – matematico para la obtencion y tabulacion de la informacion a traves una encuesta aplicada a una muestra de 68 tituladas de las carreras: Tecnico Superior en Secretariado Ejecutivo y Asistente de Gerencia, del Instituto Tecnologico Superior Almirante Illingworth (Guayaquil-Ecuador) correspondientes a las cohortes del 2010 – 2016. Los resultados evidencian en estos profesionales su interes de superacion a traves de la educacion continua o los estudios post-graduados, a fin de expresar coherencia entre sus conocimientos y las demandas de los nuevos tiempos. PALABRAS CLAVES: Especializacion; secretariado; desempeno, polivalencia. THE PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY FROM THE CONTEXT OF LABOR PERFORMANCE ABSTRACT The diversity of work contexts in which the professionals of the Executive Secretariat career are hired, allows us to highlight the contradiction between the general training they receive during their university training, whose focus has been the enforceability of generic tasks typical of business administrative management ; and the contextual diversification of its performance, in a wide range of fields and areas that demand specialized training to fully fulfill the social mission of these contexts. This dynamic has somewhat redirected its discharge profile. The objective is to present a study that identifies the variety of public and private organizations where these professionals are inserted and developed and thereby demonstrate the need for training that they demand from their work contexts, in a process of permanent specialization. The theoretical, empirical and statistical - mathematical methods were used to obtain and tabulate the information through a survey applied to a sample of 68 graduates of the careers: Senior Technician in Executive Secretariat and Assistant Management, of the Higher Technological Institute Almirante Illingworth (Guayaquil- Ecuador) corresponding to the cohorts of 2010 - 2016. The results show in these professionals their interest in qualifying through continuing education or post-graduate studies, in order to express coherence between their knowledge and the demands of the new times. KEYWORDS: Specialization; secretariat; performance; polyvalence.
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