Benchmarking Network Performance in Named Data Networking (NDN)

Named Data Networking is one of the most promising future Internet architectures with many advanced characteristics that are lacking in the existing TCP/IP-based Internet architecture. NDN features named content, built-in security, in-network caching, adaptive traffic routing, and multi-path forwarding. NDN can be used to mitigate traffic congestion and prioritize critical messages in both wired and wireless networks. It has particular advantages to deliver traffic over a disrupted and highly dynamic network environment because of its delay-tolerant and content-centric features. However, very few works have shown the real-world capacity of NDN over different types of network links. In this work, we benchmark the performance of NDN in various real network settings and make side-by-side comparisons with TCP/IP based approaches. We also demonstrate the strong capabilities of flexible forwarding strategies through prioritizing critical traffic over the network.
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