III-V compound semiconductors : integration with silicon-based microelectronics

Part I: Basic Physical and Chemical Properties Fundamentals and the Future of Semiconductor Device Technology, M. Mastro The Challenge of III-V Materials Integration with Si Microelectronics, T. Li Part II: GaN and Related Alloys on Silicon Growth and Integration Techniques III-Nitrides on Si Substrate, J. Li, J.Y. Lin, H. Jiang, and N. Sawaki New Technology Approaches, A. Dadgar Part III: III-V Materials and Device Integration Processes with Si Microelectronics Group III-A Nitrides on Si: Stress and Microstructural Evolution, S. Raghavan and J.M. Redwing Direct Growth of III-V Devices on Silicon, T. Kazior, K.J. Herrick, and J. LaRoche Optoelectronic Device Integrated on Si, Di Liang and J.E. Bowers Reliability of III-V Electronic Devices, A.A. Immorlica, Jr. Part IV: Defect and Properties Evaluation and Characterization In Situ Curvature Measurements, Strains, and Stresses in the Case of Large Wafer Bending and Multilayer Systems, R. Clos and A. Krost X-Ray Characterization of Group III-Nitrides, A. Krost and J. Blasing Luminescence in GaN, F. Bertram Part V: Device Structures and Properties GaN-Based Optical Devices on Silicon, A. Dadgar The Conventional III-V Materials and Devices on Silicon, E.Y. Chang III-V Solar Cells on Silicon, S.A. Ringel and T.J. Grassman
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