Linac modeling for external beam radiotherapy quality assurance using a dedicated 2D pixelated detector

Quality assurance is a key issue in intensity modulated radiotherapy. Errors can occur in the dose delivery process induces significant differences between the planned treatment and the delivered one. In this context, the Medical Application Physics group of the LPSC is developing TraDeRa (Transparent Detector for Radiotherapy), a 2D pixelated matrix of ionization chambers located upstream to the patient. The signal map obtained with TraDeRa has to be processed to provide medical observables to quantify the quality of the treatment delivery. This relies on accurate Monte Carlo simulations benchmarked with measurements performed under a linear accelerator (Linac). The work described in this paper lies in the optimization of the Linac head simulation and the development of an innovative Monte Carlo/measurements comparison method to perform an accurate enough model of the X-ray production device. An optimized parametrization of the particles transport allowed an increase of the simulation efficiency by a factor 3. The characteristics of an electron beam of a reference Linac were matched with the simulation results by using dose deposition of the created X-ray beam in a water tank. Two parameters are particularly critical: the nominal energy of the electrons and the radial distribution of impact on the target. The innovative method was able to provide within minutes those two parameters for any Linac, achieving, for example, a 10 keV precision on the energy determination for a 6 MV operating Linac.
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