The role of Standards in offsite construction. A review of existing practice and future need

The rise in interest in offsite construction (OC) techniques is well documented. A significant degree of attention has been given to identifying the potential benefits of OC, how these might be achieved, and the barriers to increased take up and delivery capacity. The role of Standards in this regard has also been discussed. In order to contribute to the ongoing discussions on OC BSI has undertaken a number of initiatives, including the standards research project outlined in this report. It aims to understand the current and potential role of standards in this field, what benefits standards can bring, and what action is needed to realise those benefits. As the National Standards Body, BSI works with industry to identify areas where standards are needed and develop them. It maintains the very sizeable portfolio of existing standards to ensure continued relevance, and it promotes UK standards practice at a European and International level through its membership of supranational Standards organisations. The report provides a clear outline of where BSI can support industry and what actions are needed to ensure the existing standards portfolio can accommodate OC techniques, and new standards can be identified in accordance with industry need.
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