Main Principles of Teaching Business English at the Department of History

(ProQuest: ... denotes non-USASCII text omitted.)INTRODUCTIONEconomic growth of Russia , the globalization of cultural, political and economic processes, migration and mixing of peoples and languages, changes in relations between foreigners and the Russian, new terms of communication - all the conditions mentioned set new goals and objectives of foreign language teaching, especially in the non-language universities.According to S.G.Ter-Minasova, the main challenge for teachers now is the maximum development of communication skills, and, taking into consideration the fact that learning a foreign language in non-language high universities is, in particular, professionally oriented, it is necessary to talk about the formation of communicative foreign language professional competence as an integral component of a competitive and highly qualified specialist. Here communication means professionally oriented interaction reflected in having skills of professional business communication. For a variety of professions being aware of culture of business communication is one of the most important professional qualities. The profession of a historian can be given as an example, it can be characterized by some specific features.Firstly, historians have to deal with a lot of information that affects every aspect of human life. P.G.Postnikov notes that the subject "History" is a means of attracting students to the historical experience as the value of human behavior in different real-life situations, such as the experience of moral or immoral attitude to various aspects of human life, which certainly requires expression in the historian's speech.Secondly, the profession of a historian involves working as a teacher, researcher, employee of museums, libraries, archives, and consultant and expert, which is associated with good language skills both in the native language and one of the European languages, in English as the leading language of international communication. Taking into consideration these types of activities of a historian, their speech will be notable for special content, scientism and publicity.Nowadays one of the most important conditions of career growth is having skills of speaking a foreign language, and therefore it is an essential component of a future specialist training. Besides it opens an access to scientific information sources and business contacts on the international level. The process of teaching at university should be directed to the development of self-education to meet their personal interests in learning a foreign language in various fields of professional interaction based on business communication, that is, a future specialist should not only be a professional in their field, but also a multicultural personality. The subject of Business Foreign Language introduced in the curriculum helps in this way.METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKMethodology of research approaches allows observing the development of teaching a foreign language, to highlight some peculiarities of teaching business English at the department of history, to assess the practice of researchers, methodologists and teachers, to identify methodological knowledge of some scientists.The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is some research in the study of problems of teaching Business English at non-language department. Using the methodology and methods of existing research contributes to the development of scientific study in the practice of teaching Business English, approaches and methods of research work in this field.The structural approach provided an opportunity to consider the history of the teaching methods of a foreign language at university comprehensively, to justify the practical necessity of studying Business English, its interaction with special subjects, its influence on the professional activity of a future specialist-historian, to determine the optimal methodical techniques for teaching Business English for future historians as well. …
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