Antibodies to bluetongue viruses in animals imported into United States zoological gardens.

Abstract Three hundred forty-five serum samples from 30 zoological animal species which had been imported into the United States were examined retrospectively for the presence of antibody to bluetongue viruses. Ninety eight (28.4%) were positive for antibody to bluetongue group antigen by the bluetongue agar gel immunodiffusion test. Bluetongue antibodies, most of which were against serotypes exotic to the United States, were detected in 13 animal species from Africa not previously reported to be infected by bluetongue virus. The lack of virus neutralizing antibody to any of the 20 known bluetongue virus types in four of the 28 positive serums studied may indicate the existence of new bluetongue virus serotypes, cross reactions with other orbiviruses or a more rapid decline of neutralizing than precipitating antibody. The possibility of recrudescence of bluetongue virus infection from some inapparently infected zoological animals and existence of a known bluetongue vector (Culicoides variipennis) in the United States would suggest that further assessment of bluetongue in zoological animals be made.
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