Factores que favorecen el reingreso en intensivos de pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo

espanolIntroduccion: Alrededor del 7% de los pacientes que ingresan en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) por sindrome coronario agudo (SCA) en Espana, reingresan de nuevo tiempo despues. Objetivos: Identificar posibles causas y factores predisponentes a reingresar en UCI por SCA.Metodologia: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, comparativo y longitudinal de pacientes ingresados por SCA en una UCI polivalente entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2013. Se recogen variables demograficas, numero de ingresos, factores de riesgo al ingreso (dislipemias, hipertension arterial y diabetes) y habitos de vida no cardiosaludables (sedentarismo/obesidad, tabaquismo, enolismo) de pacientes que reingresan y se comparan con grupo de control (pacientes que no reingresan). Se realiza test Chi 2 de Pearson y significacion estadistica.Resultados: Ingresaron 2.506 pacientes por SCA. Reingresaron 140 (5,58%) a los 12,93±16,41 meses despues del primer ingreso. Los que reingresan estan en UCI 4.97± 3.3 dias (4.03±1.8 grupo control) en su primer ingreso. Se adjunta tabla con incidencia de factores de riesgo y habitos de vida no saludables de ambos grupos. El tabaquismo y enolismo se relacionan con los reingresos (χ²=5.67; p EnglishIntroduction: About 7% of patients admitted in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) due to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in Spain, are readmitted again later. Objectives: Identify the possible causes and predisposing factors for returning to ICU because of ACS. Methodology: Retrospective, descriptive, comparative and longitudinal study of patients admitted for ACS in the ICU between January 2008 and December 2013.Demographic variables, number of admissions, admission risk factors (dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes) and non heart-healthy life habits (sedentary / obesity, smoking, alcoholism) of patients who come back were collected and were compared with control group (not readmitted patients). Pearson’s Chi 2 test and statistical significance were performed. Results: 2.506 patients were admitted by ACS. Readmissions were 140 (5,58%) after 12,93±16,41 months from their first admission. The ICU’s reentering patients stayed4.97± 3.3 days (4.03±1.8 control group) in their first admission. A table is attached with risk factors’ incidence and non heart–healthy life habits of both groups. Smoking and alcoholism habits are related with readmissions (χ²=5.67; p
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