Ecologically and ontogenetically induced variations in phenolic compounds and biological activities of Hypericum maculatum subsp. maculatum, Hypericaceae

Numerous traditional and clinically approved indications have created constant raise of demand for Hyperici herba in the world. However, the quality of the plant material depends on the plant source and abiotic factors of the habitats. The scope of the research was to find out whether other Hypericum species have similar chemical characteristics for potential medical use. Hypericum maculatum Crantz is in some Pharmacopoeias listed together with Hypericum perforatum L. as biological source of H. herba, because of similar chemical composition. Often the full taxonomic identification stating the used subspecies of H. maculatum is being avoided. Therefore, the aim of study was to chemically characterize water–alcoholic extracts of subspecies Hypericum maculatum Crantz subsp. maculatum. The samples were collected at three localities, with different habitat characteristics during three ontogenetic phases. The amounts of total phenolics and flavonoids were estimated, as well as the amounts of ferulic and chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercitrin, amentoflavone, apigenin, hypericin, and hyperforin. Chemical composition and ecological characteristics were analyzed by PCA methods. Source of sunlight and soil acidity were shown as ecological factors that potentially could be cause for chemical profiling of samples. Biological potential of extracts was estimated through antioxidant assays and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and α-amylase with the aim to explore potential use of plant in the treatments of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. All the extracts exhibited notable antioxidant potential in the used test systems as well as the ability to inhibit AChE and α-amylase. H. maculatum subsp. maculatum exhibits notable correspondence in chemical composition and biological activity with H. perforatum.
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